Riddle me this.

How can your bible show you this is true?

We would love to challenge your group to comment on this writing

So, in this reflection of the understanding that Goliath and David were blood cousins. We use many other documents like Torah and historic governmental data to come up with such an understanding. And is it important to anything? No. But in these days some folly may be called for. 

The journey into this subject was sparked by a YouTube video: Robin Bullock PROPHETIC WORD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbbGs7jTSSQ it was interesting to see that the giants of our time are falling too. Recently he put out an update. Very interesting commentary on the giants of today. Robin Bullock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKfDu_1U-Wg about a month ago Robin Bullock PROPHETIC WORD Prophecies That Are About To Be Fulfilled.

Orpah Explored

As we explore the bible and other texts we must ask why? The answer might be to see the nature of God and our relationship with Him, to see the sin nature and the divine nature of man. It may also be the prophetic nature of the book of Ruth. This story of Oprah is a great exposé of the ills of the world.

In comparing Ruth and Orpah we find the heart of man exposed. Ruth’s heart was for God the creator of all the universes.  We must presume that Ruth wanted to stay with a covenant to Ruth’s husband to care for his mother. It is estimated that Ruth was married for 10 years till his death. So, the woman had time to bond and see the grace of God. 

According to governmental records both Ruth and Orpah were blood sisters and the daughters of King Eglon of Moab. This royal line did not like the Israelites and worked to destroy the lineage. So, there was no need to stay and be punished for marrying into the Israelites. 

In the story we see Orpah take 40 paces and then return. It is said that the reward for those steps were Goliath's 40 days of tormenting the Israelites before his demise. The 4 tears she shed were rewarded to her in the 4 giants she bore. We must go to Orpah’s return to Moab and her family. The gods of evil were their focus. How did they convince a woman to take on the task of having 4 giants? We researched the torah.org to find this excerpt: “The night that Orpah parted from her mother-in-law she was invaded by a hundred men from a hundred nations. R. Tanchum said: also, by one dog, as it says, “the Pelishti (Goliath) said to David, Am I a dog?” (Ruth Rabbah 2:20). This becomes clearer after we learn that Oprah was the progenitor of Goliath who faced Ruth’s descendant David on the field of battle (ibid). 

This is a created, manufactured giant. We know at that time the polyspermy gene splicing was possible and now we have a vaccine that does it unseen. Even unbeknownst to the recipient of the vaccine. With a fancy name mRNA, that can transform your DNA now after you are born. Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli historian and evil prophet who claims that the use of mRNA will eliminate the soul and render humans and machines as just an animal. These human/machine hybrids will have altered DNA and remove the soul. Making this AI intelligence body a much better slave. We know our God would not let that happen. God made us in His image and the nature of God is that we can and will have a relationship with Him. No man-made thing will deter our God’s dream for us.

We see that the giants of today are no different from the demonic spirits of yesteryears. We have those very spirits in action today. The sons and daughters of God must stand up and be heard to subdue the evil of this generation. For the rocks are crying out.

This excerpt was the one I reflected on from Robin Bullock's August 22, 2023 video. The giants are falling. David and his men took down all of the giants. He took the prophetic act of 5 stones. And eventually, he and his men took all 5 giants down.

Often, we are asked to take a future stance on a subject in the will of God to define the magnitude of the victory. In the case of David, he took 5 stones to say yes God I will with your help take down all the 5 giants.

In our day we are taking down all the giants and they are falling before our eyes. Praise the Lord. We must repent, declare, decree and intercede on the behalf of our world. This prophetic act of prayer is the key to the removal of evil for this time.

From the book Seven Silver Coins, 2022, Mary Leonard, page 37: 

Now we are watching many of the giants in the land fall. Big tech, mass media, big corporations, big oil, big food production conglomerates, many politicians, other nations and one-world organizations, global financial fiat money like the petrodollar, giant churches and most importantly, big pharma. They are all going down right before our eyes.

Many idols (giants) are failing and falling. A few years ago, if I wrote this you would have thought I was crazy. Now you can clearly see it happening. You are not alone. Even many sports giants will fail. Covid did an excellent job of highlighting problems to show us a better way. God always takes what evil wants to destroy us and makes it good. Praise God!

In this excerpt of the prophetic word from God in Seven Silver Coins we see the relevance of the giants of today. Which God or gods are we looking to for our help? It can only be Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. The one true God. As Elijah showed us the only living God. All scripture points us to Jesus.

Back to reflecting on David’s lineage. Ruth had a heart of gold and it was soft to the God of Israel. Ruth married Boaz. Boas was the son of a gentile woman from Jericho, Rahab the harlot, known for her allegiance to God and Israel. Rahab married Salmon and bore Boas. Through the union of Ruth and Boas, we get Obed who fathered Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David. Daivd’s lineage from where we received our King of King, Jesus.

Ruth renounced her old dead gods and received the living God. Ruth's giants fell that day. Born again to the life of a child of God; living a life that would start the path to all our redemption.

It is always an individual decision as to what to praise and what to rebuke. It is in our nature to worship and praise something. If it is not God, it will be evil! We choose each day and each pace, as Orpah did, will we follow God or gods. We see the sin nature of idol worship of today’s giants can define us or God can define us. If we are willing to trust God of the divine nature of man then we are unshakable. We are right now being shaken to see what we are made of trust or fear. Stay in God’s shadow.


Sovereign Citizen of Heaven

Have you ever wondered if there is a plan?

Have you ever wondered if there is a plan?

Yes, there is a grand plan for you. No, that is not about religion, or being controlled or even a slave. One that is not about being lied to, or hated or hurt. It is about loving you personally. It is about finding your God. It is about finding the Creator of you. It is about releasing your dreams and ego to fulfill the destiny that you agreed to before you were born.

Seriously you were a soul, a spiritual soul. a Citizen of Heaven. Sent here to find the identity that you were created for. Find a relationship in the spirit that is about you and your Creator. But you could not get there on your own. No one could! Because the rift between heaven and earth was too big. The enemy of our souls put it there by talking Adam into committing treason. Therefore, cursing all who came after. But your Creator came up with a plan to help you see Him again. This planet has rules of nature and the universe. It demands a sacrifice to heal the sin. A spotless lamb. But by our birth, mankind came in with the stain of Adam. Only, the Christ, was a suitable sacrifice. So, the Creator sent His son the spotless lamb to be sacrificed and heal the rift. The Christ, the savior, the redeemer, the second Adam.

The enemy of your soul only lies to you. He never lets up. Deception and lie after lie. He hates you but he says he loves you and convinces you to self-sabotage away your destiny and hope or true love from the Christ. Yes, the demons want to convince you there is a wonderful hell. A lie. Or ... maybe you are an accident or a mistake, false. You are wonderful and perfectly made. But if he can convince you that this is a horrible place and you need to change, he can steal your identity as a child of the only God, He can keep your gifts from being used. If you really were to use your gifts it would eliminate the true hate the demons and their demon doctrines and agendas create.  You are fierce. Think how God could use you for good things. Free you from your chains to the demons.

I know you love Jesus and so it is concerning the path you are on. I see you have veered off course. I must speak to it. We all have. Ignorance is no longer enough. We are awake and can see something is wrong. You cannot say what the Lord says is an abomination to Himself for His children, are good. Only God's precepts and commands are good. What is good? Loving all of God’s creations as God created them a man and a woman, all souls a “kind” not a skin. The rainbow is the blessing to humanity; He will never flood the world as a whole in judgement. The identity of a soul to have a God given destiny that He planned before time for them.

We must say the words of God to know how we must live. It is not a religion or a cult. It is a personal relationship with Jesus. Many in all religions have never truly met Jesus. It is time to meet Him. It is a worldwide revival and so now is the time.

As the enemy of our souls attempts to remove all souls from God’s and man’s earth so he can have it for himself with robots and demonic people we must not help him steal more souls and open doors to the demonic by condoning what is not of God. So, what if you are a horrible person. God wants you back. Say I am sorry and mean it. Say God take me back. Show me this Jesus and help me be the me you wanted me to be. I am lost. God will forgive you and take you back. Your identity in Christ is enough. You can do it. That identity is to be a reflection of good not evil. It is time to take the millstone off your neck. It is time to return to your first love Jesus and steer all of His children into their goodness and their destiny. Be a good example of His life here in this fleeting time of a body clothed soul. It is not in your power but in His power. We are powerless. We must have God's help to become more like Him. More compassionate. Less confused. More understanding and less gullible. Sometimes that means leaving your friends for a while till you heal and then if you wish, reaching out to show them the way to a true life.

The new era is here in fullness. Judgement is here and the sheep and the goats are being sifted in the shaking. It is time to stand like never before. Your soul is being weighed. We are in a time of freedom that our ancestors have prayed for. A time that all peoples will know of Jesus Christ and will get the opportunity to decide where they will spend eternity. God is a gentleman and he gave us all freewill. Hell was not made for man but through their choices they can end up there, in a torture for eternity.

I pray that God will soften your heart and heal your soul and set you back on course. I also pray for all souls that have been taken in by these demon doctrines and agendas, will be saved to see the glory days that are on the horizon and will be free to serve the Lord. Live in your destiny now.

Freedom and forgiveness are here now. Praise God and see and hear the glory is all around you.

Questions might be:

Do you know this Christ?

Am I savable?

Does God really love me?

Enjoy the discussion in your group. Don't be judgmental. Listen and take what God is showing you and leave the rest.

Feel free to email me at info@shekinahglorycircle.com add a subject line please. 




The Love of God

God's love is always faithful

A few years a go I ask God to give me a new love letter to share with my home church each week.

I thought I would share them with you.

week 1

February 7, 2021


Dear Child


I love you so very much.

You are the sparkle in my eye.

I want to return you to the way I made you.

Will you let me?

It is easy just ask me.

I made no darkness in you, only salt and light. 

I made you for laughter, joy and to walk in the garden with me.

My compassion for you can change and strengthen you in all that you lack.

I planned to co-create with you from before the beginning of time. 

I dreamed of you! You are perfect in my eyes.

I redeemed you through the sacrifice of my Jesus.

He took on all your burdens. 

Ask him and He will receive you and your burdens.

We will walk the garden Earth; I made so many things, plants and animals for your pleasure. 

I have a plan for you to have a beautiful future.

I clothed and fed the sparrow and so I will do that for you.

I heal you, teach you and sing over you each day.

I gave you good things to work on and filled you with all the resources.

I am accomplishing great work for the kingdom and you are part of My plans.

I want you to spread my love and welcome new brothers and sisters to the table of love.

My yoke is easy, as I will show you the ways of the kingdom.

My Spirit will flow in you; comfort you and others.

There are so many orphans, are you willing to fill heaven with me?

Welcome my many gifts and be fruitful.


With love, Father God.


Question my be:

Do any of these feel correct to your idea of God?

Would you like to review the rumble podcast of this class?


Elijah Lessons for Now

Prophetic From History to Now

The prophet King David “His firstborn” in Psalm 89:27

“A man after God’s own heart”, Man of Faith, Trust, Love, Humility, Integrity, Forgives and Worshiping God. David heard and saw into the spirit realm.

After King David dies in c. 970 BCE Jerusalem, over 100 years before Ahab’s Reign: c. 871 – c. 852 BC each reign was getting worst till Ahab. 

Elijah Lessons for Today

Even though we have a greater covenant, a greater revival that ever before, God is doing a new thing; God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We can see the lessons of Elijah are the lessons for today.

Evil never does a new thing. Evil is always evil. Evil can’t create only steal, deceive and kill. We see the same struggle in each generation. As we reflect on the prophet Elijah, we can see the same actors are here today.

We see Elijah span all of King Ahab’s 22-year reign. Elijah is already a seasoned prophet when he appears in the bible. Yet we can see God is maturing him along the way. God likes to grow his servants for the next step. In our lives we can see that testing, growing, manifesting cycle at work. I will call it TGM Cycle.

Who are our actors?

In 1 Kings 16 30 Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him. 

In 31 we see Ahab married a baal worshiper Jezebel and began to serve baal and worship him. 32 we see he built a temple and an altar to baal not God in Samaria.  In 33 we see the asherah pole arouse the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel; we see that this King Ahab was the most evil that ever ruled Israel. King Ahab dishonored God and the covenant with Israel.

1 Kings 17 without much introduction we meet Prophet Elijah. 

Today, we have many prophets and false prophets with their evil leaders and good leaders. In the world today we see the evil has been using humans to do his creating and bidding as usual since the Garden of Eden. Remember: the evil one is not a creator and needs the image of God in us to create. Our mouths. That is why we have prophets to help God’s word create here. 

Oh yes, he does not need that but God wants it. So, he designed it that way. When you call in the will of God you are co-creating with God. God wanted a family, so He placed His seed in the earth and breathed life into humanity, Adam.

Now we must manifest to show the sons and daughters of God are ready willing and able to command the earth to do God’s will. We are in the valley of decision to take up our crosses and rule and reign with King Jesus. The revival started in 1961. I was there! Now it is restarting, this time the religious people will not stop it. Evil will not stop it. God said, “What was to be in the 1960’s will be now!” His word will not fail and will not return void.

Often, I hear, “We don’t know God’s will. We don’t all hear as clearly as you do.” FALSE

The bible tells us God’s will. For example, “The Our Father” or “The Lord’s Prayer” says Thy Kingdom come. Thy “Will” be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Clearly, we know the “will” of God. Come into alignment with God’s bringing heaven to earth and subdue the evil.

Obedience is the first step in using your God given prophetic ability’s. Like David we sing and shout and say the word of the Lord and it is. We send our angel armies and it is done if God wills it. We enter into the courts of heaven and set it at the feet of Jesus. Open your heart and open your mouth. We obey at the first request. 

At first, I thought I did not want to make a mistake. We all will make mistakes. Only Jesus is perfect. God allowed me to say I am sorry often enough, I learned His mercy and stepped out in faith, He would catch me. Once I strayed off my lane in to His and He loudly rebuked it. I felt so happy at that correction. I knew my guardrails. And that God was not going to let me get into trouble. Praise the Lord.

Elijah was bold and states the will of God. He made a judgement from God on earth to government. Judgement was a wake-up call to all Israelite's to repent from idol worship and rebuke their King Ahab. 

What is God saying in the world today? Today’s prophets are to make Gods ground unified and fertile.

1          Remember My statues and love Me. 

2          Call in the future like the cloud and its rain. Call in the restoration of your nations. Shout down the evil. Decree the strongholds are shredded and dust. Act as if it is because it is. We have God’s marching orders. Speak in the promises of God.

3          I am not an afterthought. Ask Me First! Rest in the word of the Lord God.

4          I am your pro-vision and provider.

5          Passover is a constant concept not a onetime lesson. Elijah was over the Passover of 7000 people in Israel. God is passing over His people today as He shreds the evil before our eyes.

6          God gets His way even if it is a lying spirit in all the prophets’ mouths. Today, the so-called prophets are bickering like the religious of old. Look into your heart for the truth. We don’t need anything but Jesus. Holy Spirit will convict your heart to know the truth even when it seems as if it can’t be found. Ask and you will receive.

7          The Lord decides when you are finished. Elijah quit and God honored Elijah’s devotion and took him to heaven without passing through death. We as humans need to conquer death still.

8          God honors the love of the Lord for generations. We see God’s patients with the kings of Israel even when it was bad. We saw with Saul that impatience is distrust in God. We can’t light the revival without God. It is a move of God. However, we saw the religious stopped the move in the 1970’s. God’s children will not be fooled again. This revolution, “Greatest Ever Revival” has the blessing of God. It will be. We must speak it in. We must not be impatient. Trust in the Lord. 

9           Look for God’s hand always. Pray always to know the nature of God. See the whisper in the wind and in the earthquake, so you are ready.

10        Awaken my people and rebuke the baal worship and rebuke your evil leaders.

Jesus has raised us up and appointed us rulers over his people and the earth his footstool. Jesus’ kingdom is to those who kept his commands and followed Me with all your heart, doing only what was right in God’s eyes. It is time for the sons and daughter of the Most High to manifest. The Earth waits impatiently.

America is covenanted with God. To serve Him and to keep the righteousness and command of Jesus. Yet a very small group of evil ones have infiltrated the country and made for themselves other gods, idols made of electricity, metal, paper and thin air; they have aroused God’s anger. Their goal is to destroy the land and claim it for their own, as in the time of Adam to the evil one’s wishes. God’s people must shout No! Access denied. Earth is God’s. The victory is Jesus. 

We Jesus ruling body have turned your back on God by not standing up and saying NO! ACCESS denied. Failed by letting the religious rules dogma and doctrines keep our minds clouded and not set on the heart of God. We must mature. Can you imagine being bold like Elijah and telling “the governmental pretender” God’s judgement on him? God’s judgement is coming. The Lord God will not be mocked. Who will give the word?

How did God raise up Elijah in maturity?

1 Kings 17 without any introduction we meet Elijah. 

We don’t know how long he knew the voice of God. We don’t know how he learned how to trust the voice of God. We don’t know when he became the man of God. But we know He was bold in the conviction of the word of God. We see he boldly stated the will of the Lord as a judgement on the evil ruler Ahab, ending rain for years. 

God protected Elijah but he had to go where and when he was told. He went into the unknown and was satisfied to rest in the Lord’s provision. Elijah goes to the brook till it runs dry, like the Lord told him too. Then he was on the move again.

He was sent to a widow and orphan. We think of the widow and the orphan as our duty to help. Yet in this story we see the tables are turned upside down and inside out many times. 1 Kings 17 13 Elijah tells a stranger “Don’t be afraid.” And proclaims the provision will not run out. Elijah has seen the word of the Lord is true and faithful once again.

1 Kings 17 in 19 we see the first discussion during Elijah’s time of “the upper room,” the holy place of the Spirit. God brings the child back to life, as a tool, to show the widow this is “a man of God” and God hears. Elijah is made stronger in his faith too. With the reference of three times, we see that both persistence and numbers matter. The widow states, the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth. He will need this with the future requests of fire. Total faith is built in the word of God.

1 Kings 18 in 16 we see Elijah return to see Ahab, makes a challenge the god who answers by fire—He is God.

God continues to build up the faith, trust, obedience, courage and strength of Elijah. Today we have to evaluate our relationship in the valley of decision with things God abhors. God abhors baal worship of any kind. In our time we see it is rampant. 

What we watch on TV, listen to in churches, see on the internet. The trafficking and child abuse of trans-sexual, gender confusion and homosexuality and racism in reverse. Idolatry of corruption for money and power is everywhere. Worshiping of baal by killing children in the womb, by vaccination and trafficking. How blind are we? Are we awaken to the slippery slope we may have been on? Repent and get aligned with this major move of God.

Why did God want all the Israelite people called and all the baal worshipers there?  It is my opinion for the education of the Israelite's and the death of the baal worshipers at the hand of Elijah.

We now are being awakened. These years of the pretender Biden Administration is our challenge. Are you wet enough? Are you ready to be lite? Get ready to be on fire with the Holy Spirit real soon. Our eyes are about to be opened.

Then in 1 Kings 18 in 24 we see the people are so blinded and deft that they don’t even respond. 

Have we become so lulled in to submission, we are the same voiceless? Are the saints worn out? Just giving our world into evil hands? Throwing up our hands? Are we “awaken” yet? The sleeping dragon, the church must awaken and revitalize our identity the sons and daughters of the Most High God. Focus on our first love Jesus.

1 Kings 18 in 31 Elijah is reminding the Israelite's of their covenant with the tribal stones. 1 Kings 18 in 39 we see the Israelite's repentance and honoring of the Lord God. So many times, we see when God decrees death to the baal worshipers it means all. So, we see the slaughter (meaning sacrifice, not killing) of the prophets of baal.

What tribal stones need rebuilt into an altar. The Constitution and all the branches of government need rebuild in to the Republic it was originally. This is God’s country, a lighthouse on a hill for the good news to flow to the ends of the earth.

The tribunals that have happened and will still happen in our times. Bring judgement of God, the slaughter or sacrifice of the evil to their gods. It will be just like in the crossing of the Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, Samson’s and Elijah’s times. All will be brought to justice.

1 Kings 18 in 42 we see Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, prostate himself to honor the word of the Lord and see it come. Even though He saw pro-vision, fire, life and death, the rain was still troubling to him. Elijah still needed extra prayer. 

Once again, we see numbers are important. Seven times the servant needed to go to see the proof of rain. Call it in using your voice for the Lord as a creative tool. And then we wait on the Lord to use His power to achieve the will of the Lord. The Glory goes to the Lord.

We see in the spirit realm that the glory of the Lord is coming like the cloud of rain. We say the glory of the Lord is upon us. We say I believe thy “will” will be done in my time. Justice will be now. Freedom reigns. Resurrection power is coming for America. America is free. The chains of the prisoners are gone. The wealth transfer is now. The Red Sea is closing on the election fraud. Our rightful leaders will be returned. Praise the Lord.

Elijah believed in God’s word and prayed constantly. He walked with the Lord in all he did.

As prayer partners with God, we ignite the desires of God to manifest on earth. Seeing this in the future and now, builds up our courage to live in God’s will and not in what we see.

Now we see Elijah’s breaking point. He allows the exhaustion of the daunting task of removing all the baal worshipers and little or no support from the followers of God to wear him down to the point of fear. 1 Kings 19 in 3 we see Elijah was afraid of a tyrannical woman leader. Now Elijah needed to get his head right with the Lord. With the help of the Lord, he traveled 40 days and nights to see the Lord in person. Then 40 days back. Like in Job’s time he spoke then end to his life. He quit God’s work. He reaped his future with the words of fear that left his own mouth.

1 Kings 19 in 12 we see God came in the gentle whisper, and God said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Elijah basically quit, and God sent him to the Desert of Damascus to anoint his successors. 

1 Kings 19 in 15 - 18 we see the next prophets anointed and a back-up plan for them to make the redemption of the 7000-remnant righteous. So, Elijah anoints Hazael king over Aram, Jehu over Israel and Elisha to succeed Elijah as prophet. Backup plan: Jehu puts to death to any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death anyone who escapes Jehu.  This is a Passover to narrow it down to the good 7000 remnant.

Who are the Anointed Kings of God today?

This will shock you! Hazael is Putin, Jehu is Trump and Elisha is BB Netanyahu.  We too are in a Passover. It is our time to be sorted. The valley of decision has come. We will reap what we sowed. The enemy has hidden the large numbers of people that love God, the followers of Jesus. It will be overwhelming how many good people are right in front of you.

1 Kings 21 in 20 we haven’t seen Elijah since he anointed his successors. Ahab said to Elijah, “So you have found me, my enemy!” Where he proclaims Ahab’s death and sees him humbling himself. The Lord decides calamity comes to his son for the sins of the father.

How are the sins of the parents reflected on the children today? God have mercy on us for we knew not what we did. Some of us vaccinated our children. Some of us shut down our churches in fear of a bio-weapon. Some of us mutilated our children to fit the culture of gender dysphoria. Some of us left a church and did not train our children in the Lord.

1 Kings 22 in 20 we haven’t seen Elijah 23 “So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours.

Why are not all the prophets saying the same thing? We see an appointed prophet attacking other prophets in a religious spirit. We see hidden prophetic arriving and their churches say oh that practice ended with the disciples. We see denominations that God wants to unite under the gospel, communion, praise and worship, fight over dogma and doctrine as false prophets.

1 Kings 22 in 43 Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The high places, however, were not removed.

All high places must be torn down including drugs, trafficking, drag queens, trans, homosexuals and abortion are the baal worshipers of today. No negotiation is okay with evil. Evil lies and can’t be negotiated with. Non-biblical saying, love the sinner not the sin, is an evil ploy to avoid conversations of repentance. While we can reach out and give Jesus the opportunity to save others, we are not responsible for their decisions. We are responsible to guard our heart and our community. Like we see with the peace accords that have been violated to just give evil regimes to make more progress. Not for true peace. Iran is in a better position thanks to Obama negotiating and then helping them with their nuclear program.

1 Kings 22 in 51 we see the end of Ahab and Ahaziah son king of Israel. His blood was lapped up by the dogs, as it was prophesied.

2 Kings 1 in 2 we see the end Ahaziah begin as once again we are in “the upper room” of Spirit and He falls through the ceiling/floor. We see the upper room is once again symbolic of the condition of his evil spirit.

2 Kings 1 in 2 we see God through Elijah’s question, is there no God in Israel? This is showing us that there is a window of opportunity for redemption but it will not be taken. Death is the judgement of God. In our time we will see there is a point of no return. Some of the evil is so entrenched it is incapable of taking the window of opportunity. Death will be its reward.

2 Kings 1 in 9 - 12 we see fire consume the evil captains. God is protecting Elijah. We see in the subpoenas for fake hearings in our corrupt government. God is saying no access to his servant.

2 Kings 1 in 13 we see Elijah honor the captain that honored God and he goes with them. Then the angel says it is ok to deal with this faithful captain. We have not witnessed this yet to my knowledge.

2 Kings 1 in 16 He told the king, “This is what the Lord says: Is it because there is no God in Israel for you to consult… you will surely die.”

2 Kings 2 Elijah’s tasks are completed and he returns to Heaven. He defeated death.

Commentary On the Prophetic

There is a difference in being prophetic and the office of the Prophet. We are all ministers to God. We all have a relationship with God.

It is my opinion that the two greatest commandments in the New Testament is a clear understanding of ministering.  Minister to God and Minister to others as you Minister to self. It is a 3-part mission. 

As we see Elijah, we can only surmise the full story. Could he at the beginning, when he gave judgement in the first verses have the courage to call down fire and restore the rain. I know in my path of becoming a prophetic I have been trained by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit gradually. Building on each skill and characteristics through obedience and trust. For me it was a building of a foundation, then humbling myself, then walking in truth boldly and finally getting a thicker skin. God has always brought great people to support me in the walk but not how you would think. I always knew I was different but I avoided admitting how different in the open.

Notice how Elijah was alone with God most of the time we see him. How he knew God so well yet in the end he needed to walk alone 80 days to get his head right. Only to have him repeatedly tell Elisha to stay away. Yet right now God is telling His prophets and prophetic to stand up, step up, stand out and shout.

This is not a trait we are used to. Yet the remnant is being called on to shout all the last remaining walls of the enemy’s strongholds down like at Jericho. Not in our power but in partnership with the Godhead.

Are you using your prayer time to shout down the walls of evil in our world? Are you starting to understand your authority in Jesus? Are you living in the will of God?

My story the super condensed version. Full circle of the TGM Cycle. God helped me through a very hard birth, stayed with me through a rough start in life. At 4 years old I witnessed a profound miracle that started the Duquesne Outpouring. I spent the rest of the decade in revival settings, I learned to paint in the Spirit. Found my voice. The prophetic was normal to me. I was shaken when I went into the belly of the snake and confronted it. But the worst was marrying a man who lied from the start and not trusting a prophetic word from my father. I ignored the truth due to a wound. Which led to 20 years of hell with an off and on trans and demonically tortured man. As I warred for his sanity, I was being prepared for what would come next. Only to come out of that into a training ground for direct war with a coven of witches for 11 years. Then God led me to rest. I then had a time period of wandering to and frow with joy, witnessing to others the joy of the prophetic. Teaching in my Mariahsachin classes about Elijah and how he was courageous in the prophetic. I love teaching on the cloud. It is excellent to paint that concept.

God uses us differently as He needs with the willingness to be flexible and to take the ride and due the work is the best part. Always leave room in the day for God to do something miraculous. Always pray. Know God has this. It is not in your power and you must ask questions. The glory is God’s. Praise and worship God always. And never forget to thank Him.

This study course on No and Elijah, I wanted something that was more current and in the political realm of now. I see that most of the prophetic books of the bible are governmental in nature. Yet we have been so lied to by our leadership in all areas about the importance of ruling and reigning with King Jesus. We rarely see a study on the prophets and the government culture of the day. In this next era, we will be seeing this type of study will be very relevant. As we start to learn of our true authority in Christ, we will grow in our abilities to be used by God more.

Let Us Start at the Advance

Blog February 24, 2023 Let Us Start at the Advance

I am in thralled at the clue the echoes can give about what God is doing. Echo paintings are almost as good as the final painting. And so, it is in life. God is all good, all that is of God is good. But the enemy of our souls know the bible and the plans of God. That enemy tries to trick us always, by lies, distractions, disease, destruction. But in evils works are clues to the way out of his evil web.

Questions you might entertain discussion on:

  1. If the evil wants to destroy your country, what does God want?
  2. If God is your healer and provider, what would the scheme of the enemy look like?
  3. If the enemy said you can’t go to church, what should you do?

Note: Warning this blog will rock your boat.

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