Women you are not victims you are victors

May 2024 Prophetic Word

May 2024

Prophetic Word – Daughter’s, I Love You

My daughter’s, I love you so much.

I love your men too!

It is time to free your men. Let Me help. Take a breath during your conversations.

Free the prisoners.

Free your men they need restored.

The enemy came in and spoke feminism and now you must rebuke it.

Rebuke that evil with all its forms like humanism and wokeism.
If you are in Me you are not a victim you are victorious.

Your men want to help you, to lead you. They want to feel needed. 
Head of the household, not a servant. A functioning member of the family.

Desired, wanted and loved for who they are in Me.

Now that you have apologized it is time to retrain them to be strong, loving, leaders, to be the anointed kings, priest and children of the Lord of Host that they are.

Walk together with Me in joy and peace communing with Me on earth now.

Be whole and expecting My glorious hand in all your situations together.

“Jerusalem Artichoke” Prophetic Word of June 2024

Mariahsachin Painting, Painting in the Spirit

“Jerusalem Artichoke” Prophetic word of June 2024

Word given June 3rd, 2024 at NOCO Revivalist meeting Loveland Colorado by Mary Leonard

On this day I heard the Lord say:

On the way over to the session, I heard God say, “Be prepared this is going to end or change.” I said, “I was going to miss painting;” but He assured me I would have more doors open to paint.

God said, “Yes, we just saw our rightful President declared guilty. ‘No, not guilty.’ This is a Barabbas moment. The scapegoat for all the evil of the time. Trump is innocent and will be delivered. Fear not I am the final judge and the avenger. I am watching.” Then he reminded me of all the innocent bible figures that were imprisoned. Daniel, David, Joseph, Jesus, and Paul will hit only a very few. Now Trump. God released them all and so it will be for Trump. 

Remember prophetic duty is governmental and is to deliver the rulings of the courts of heaven to earth. Fear not the rightful place of the prophetic. In the times of Jezebel, she paid the priest of the time by the governmental tills. It is again so with your tax code the priests of this time are being paid by the government and it is tying their tongues.

I arrived at the NOCO Revivalist meeting in Loveland Colorado.

When I started, I had no idea what to paint. The conversation with God on the way over left no clues.

I started; God, please come play with me. Give me a shape, a color or a vision.

He said, “A small bud.” I made a small red bud, which is the peak of the flower in this final painting. Then He said, “Leaves and a stem.” I placed two small leaves and a long stem.

I am dyslexic and I find that I do not use a filter, I just do. If you think of sun-rays, you would place the rays from the top fanning out. However, I did not think at all. I praised and worshiped and He said, “Rays.” I put rays. White and yellow rays. Now, I see the rays were for the Glory Days, He is bringing very soon. Then He highlighted the greens and talked about the “Green Brigade” of ministers that will fill the land to bring in the harvest. He is doing a new thing and the light green of spring is the color. Not the Chartreuse Green of the evil one. God is taking back all His stolen symbols and consecrating them for the future use of His children.

Then, I heard Him say bloom the flower. I did not realize the flower looked like an artichoke till after the session and the musician said, “It is a nice artichoke.”

Artichokes represent peace, joy, and prosperity. It made total sense that it looked like an artichoke. Because we are receiving all those things now. It is important, we must see the will of God in the near future and know the times. Like the Issachar men did. That we call in the future in the will of God. Referring to the Sons of Issachar from 1 Chronicles 12:32, we must know the times and the seasons we are in and pray into the will of God.

Then, I heard Him say put glory on the flower. So, I put the white line on it. Because when I was in heaven, They (the Trinity) were white and bright balls of fire with rays of color coming out. I can only assume the “glory” on Adam and Eve and someday on us will be bright like They are.

I felt it was done and He had a prophetic word for the day. I gave a prayer and then sat down again. 

Then I heard a firm word from Him for the group. However, it was firm. I asked Juneal if the word was ok to release now. She said, “Yes.” Sometimes a firm word is too hard on the spirit of the group and this night it was a small group. I wanted to do as I felt God wanted but I was not wanting to shock the people there.

I felt the Lord God was saying “Yee of little faith, can you not see the things I am doing? You are no longer the widow your judgment has been received. I have answered your prayers. I have judged the court system invalid; I am freeing Trump, My anointed man for the building of My new mountains of influence, with Me in mind and with My help. My people want a man on earth to rule them. They are not courageous to trust in the authority and inheritance I have given them. So, a man, My David (Trump) it is. Do you not see the time has changed and I am moving? You have bloomed and the whole world has bloomed. Peace and glory are upon the face of the earth. I am the Judge of all and I have decreed it is finished in your days. Receive your wealth transfer, receive your authority, and rule with Jesus as you know the Father’s will. Receive your deliverance and health as it is the will of the Lord. Declare the harvest of seed, time and harvest are here. The evil will be raptured off the planet as it is not time yet for them to have their season. It is my season to reap the souls for the kingdom. Call in the truth not what you see. It is done! Praise the Lord. Amen and amen.

Thank You, God, for playing with us. Thank You for Your guidance and truths.

I delivered the word the best I could without writing it down. Praise God this group has helped me deliver a hard message with courage and faith that it is correct. Knowing God will put His words in my mouth or my paint. After I deliver the word, it is God’s to manage. Knowing God will find the heart it is meant for; and soften it to the understanding of what He wishes to impart. Praise God. All Glory goes to God.

This weeks blog is from 
I was the wife of a trans

I was the wife of a trans

Mary Leonard • Feb 10, 2024
My Testimony

What did I learn from 20 years married to a demon. Yes, that is a provocative statement to start with, I will explain it. We have free will. We live a life of love or hate. When you a line with demon doctrines and demon agendas you are choosing to live a life of a demon.

After I divorced, one of my four brothers said, “I am sorry you had to live with the devil in your bed for so very long.” Wake-up girl! Wow. I never looked at it quite like that. However, it did feel like that.

What did I learn from the horrendous experience of being the wife of a very hurt, confused, angry off and on trans.

  1. No one can change you but you. No one can love you if you don’t love you. Because you will refuse to let the love in.
  2. A partial lie or a full lie are both lies. The ten commandments are to help you not to hurt you! Just training wheels. Designed to show you where you start and where you end. Just in time to call God’s help in.
  3. Seed, time and harvest. We reap what we sow. But not always the way you think we do. Whos’ seed is it yours, evils or God’s. Who planted it? Who tended it? Who is reaping the results?
  4. I take a covenant seriously. The covenant of marriage is forever. As we look at the time, treasure and talents we possess, when is it time to cut bait and try again. At some point it was clear that the off and on agony was never going to end. He had made a pack with the devil that was stronger than the one he had made with me and God. It was time for me to cut bait. Ask God for forgiveness, I failed as a wife and needed a new start.
  5. It was time well spent nurturing my child for his future. For my perfect, beautiful child I hung in there as long as I could. Now that he was 12 and a strong, smart man he was capable of standing. I knew God had him. The instinct to try to save the lost soul was strong in him too. That instinct is still driving him today. He is an excellent father. His child is a delight.
  6. Marriage built on the sandy soil of a lie will never be strong. There were so many lies like a sand beach. Lie about being a Christian. The lie about being a man. The lie about loving me. The lie about taking care of me. The lie about fidelity. And on and on. The name of being a Christian is the most important thing in any life. You take that name as an adopted child of the most high God. It means you have chosen good over evil. You have chosen your end will be in heaven not hell. Humans were not made to live in a foreign land with thieves. When you tell someone, I am a Christian you are saying I believe in Christ, I have the mind of Christ and Christ is the God I choose. Any deviation from that is not a Christian. For my ex-husband he did not believe in the deity of Christ or submission of the Christian life. Therefore, not a Christian. This was the hugest of all the lies.
  7. The alternative lifestyles are all deviations from the authentic life. It is derived from a lack of self-identity. A false understanding of a soul/spirit life. It is a hurt person acting out the pain and the anger. Not realizing the fact that they can turn on a dime and have the life they were meant to have before the beginning of time. Identity is a critical part of life. Who are you and who’s are you. After more than 10 years of intensive counseling and many years of just counseling we never made any progress on his ability to love himself. I however learned to love me. I love to be with me and to discipline me and to submit to Christ my first love. I would never recommend that path to learn to love yourself. I hear in the trans movement they just want to be loved. True!!! That is the most true thing that the enemy of our soul twist. Love is not from outside of our self it is from within. Then you start your run to the finish of an abundant life.


Well, anyone who knows me knows there is a great deal more but seven is a finished number in the bible and a good place to move on from.

So often we hear the story of the ““POOR” Trans” or alternative life style person. But when do we hear the story of the collateral damage of the one left in the dust of the lies. There are so many people that are harmed by these demon doctrines.

I have watched so many people being loved from afar that never get the benefit of seeing that love because their eyes can’t see. When all their mouth says is I want loved. Well reject the lie and look around it is waiting for you.

The bleeding hearts of the ones who really loved the wounded and were told, “You don’t love me.” The ones who watch from the distance to hope and pray for their soul to wake up and return to the light. I am talking about the wife or husband of the trans, the children, the parents and siblings, cousins and extended family.

Story of a Trans Wife

I had a firm foundation in a Spirit filled born-again family. My parents were revivalist and activist. Against the loving advice of my parents, I married the wrong man. I did not ask God if he was right for me and I lived through 20 years of demonic hell on earth. So many broken promises. So many lies. And I had a single child through him. I repented to that child and found myself in a place where that child is also very confused, especially about God’s love for him and his child.

At 18 years old I married wrong. My ex-husband was abused as a child and that satanic ritual abuse was never healed. He lied about it and did not tell me until we were married for 6 months. Being a godly woman, I felt that the commitment I made, lies or not, needed kept. I saw no way out. We went for very many years to counseling as a couple. At that time gender-dysphoria was a disease and was not placated.

It was clear that he was not just a cross-dresser but a trans. He was emotionally and mentally ill. He was unstable. It was hidden from our child until my ex-husband came out when my child was 21 years old and it was very harmful to all of us. The collateral damage to the family is never spoken about in the time of progressive weaponization of the Marxist movement to destroy God, family and futures. The wolves sell their souls for power and pleasures of earth culture, not for good.

I hear through others that my ex is still as miserable as ever. The 76 years of pretending did not make him happy. Nothing ever will until he accepts Jesus in his heart and turns from his evil ways.

During the marriage from time and time he convinced us that he was well. Even to the point, I believed he was healed; so, we conceived a child. Only to have that relapse 6 months after the baby was born. My counselor convinced me not to divorce him until the child was 12. So, it was. With continued off and on relapses, I divorced him when my child was 12 years old.

Only because of my love of the Lord, did I make it through that hell. The collateral damage to the family is never spoken about. Only concern about the “poor victim.” That is not social justice nor inclusion; it is sick people not knowing the wonderful fulfilling identity that was designed for you before time began. As sovereign beings, we need to know our boundaries. We need to stop putting limitations upon ourselves. Limitations like: I am not pretty or handsome enough; I am not thin enough; I am not smart enough; I am not lovable; No one hears me; No one likes me; I will never be rich; I will never get well. All limitations that are with lack of understanding of our loving God.

We cannot put limits on our God. He is the God of the impossible, just ask and believe. All evil was destroyed in 33 AD. When Jesus conquered hell. We choose to take the mantle of victim or victor. I am a victor. Even though I could have been called a victim of a man 10 years older than myself, I was not. After the divorce, God gave me a wonderful man. I tried to run from him, until God made it clear he was chosen for me. More than 25 years later I am beyond grateful for the marriage. Having lived in both worlds for decades I have a clear understanding of the 2 ways of marriage. Marriage in hell and in heaven on earth. Just to be clear, there is only marriage through the hand of God Himself. Not religion nor government. We worship God, not the government.

Our churches are not all worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Some are clearly worshiping the spirit of “religiosity”. That too is not of God. I once heard a preacher say if you claim to be a Christian but did not submit to the authority of Jesus and Holy Spirit you are not a Christian. I am not so sure of that. But it does show the level of maturity you have in your walk with our God when you clearly understand that concept. The wolves know the demon doctrines of their religion of victimism to destroy the core tenants of God’s ways by half-truths and deceive even the elites of the church. They want to devour you and your authority as sovereign, loved children of God.

Your identity is I am loved, I am cared for, I am well, I have a beautiful future. I can be delivered from this hell on earth by Jesus. Ask Jesus into your heart and read the bible to find your joy in your true identity. I know I am a beloved daughter of the most high God of all and all. I am provided for and God has a pro-(vision) of my future. I walk in trust of the Lord’s loving hand in my life and I witness miracles all the time. He walks and talks to me during the day and the night. He never forsakes me and I am never alone; because I feel His presence. Praise God for a glorious identity and great fruits to show His faithfulness to me. Joy, peace and love. I hope this is for you too. So those of you calling me names, It will not hurt me; I know the truth. This agenda is evil to the max. No name calling will cause me to give up my Jesus; my savior; my healer; my deliver; my God. No fear porn will cause me to comply. No threat of death will change my mind. I have already been through it all. I will be heard and seen as a warrior of the most high God. I will say no more baal worship. I will not be guilted or shamed into lying about the truth that this evil agenda is wrong.

My family clearly knows my stand and it has not changed but to see the love of God for all, always. They still demand I comply. I will not. I don’t come and pressure them often, I leave them alone most of the time. But since they are once again bringing it up and pressuring me, I must speak to the evil. I do hope to save their souls and see them too in heaven with God’s blessings. Now we in the churches need to reform, refine and restore the ways we have lost. The shepherds of the churches are being shown for their decisions. Wolves like the Episcopalian and the Methodist are finding God is not happy with them pretending they are little g (gods). Hell is shaking ready to receive them. The goats are lost like the new age people that find no joy in life. Worshiping false gods that are rocks in the sky and on earth, that the true God of the universe made for a clock, not to worship. Then the sheep, biblical steadfast ones, are finding it hard to find a church that is totally true to God’s ways. They know the gates of hell will not prevail. The shepherds are shaking as they deliver a message on the harms to the souls of the congregations, for fear of losing their tax status or their people. Not worrying first about their souls. Seeing a child cutting themselves is a clue that that child has a broken identity and is having issues seeing the truth.

The enemy of our souls is rejoicing in the cutting of your child because he has won that soul. It needs to stop. Enough is enough. No more baal worship. No more children destine to live an eternity in hell. The shepherds need to reform, refine and restore the ways of Jesus. No negotiating. No confusion. No fear. Just the truth. Hold the line and stand. Remember it is about the children! Freedom that never tasted so good. God’s ways and precepts. Enough is enough, it is time to take back all our symbols that were stolen. To take back our families that were deceived. To set a course for our God given destinies. To free our country. To turn from all baal worship. To pull down strongholds and shred each and every platform and destroy all evil on the planet, through prayer. To see it as it is and not a corrupt dream of evil. Evil is a loser!

The days of Haman are here and evil will be falling very soon. Are you dooming your children because you never stood up and said, “No, follow Jesus. No, don't mutilate yourself, you are perfect as you are. Don’t take my grand-baby to a drag queen show.” The angel of death has been released into the earth, so make your choice now before it is too late.

We will see the justice of the Lord in our times. Very soon! Repent and prepare. We love the sinner not the sin. So, all sheep and goats that want to be freed come and get help to love yourself. Like the alcoholic admits you are lost and failed and come to be redeemed. Post trauma is going to be great. Those of us who are going to be needed to assist people in healing with the ways of God and be clear and stand for the truth. Need to get ready the flood of hurting souls is coming your way now. God has the long game, Eternity. So, if anyone is still unclear where I stand then, read the bible I stand with the bible. I do hope this is edifying to someone out their besides myself. Blessings and praise God.

I see so many other things about these issues. I am writing to say “I love all”. I am hoping to be a light in the darkness. I care about each soul and want to see everyone in heaven at the end. We were all born for a time like this. A time like no other on the earth. We are in the valley of decision. Justice of the Lord is here and now. Don’t be fooled that you can wait anymore. The sifting of the goats, wolves and sheep is here now. Choose. The time is short!

You remember your childhood so well. What sports team are you on? Was it “no shirts” or “shirts”? Just like the sports teams we are choosing for a good life or not. The lines are clearly stated. If you haven’t read the bible lately, I recommend you do.

Your destiny is on the horizon. It is out of your hands’, your destiny is sailing adrift, until you decide God or evil. There is only one GOD. The baal worship of the world is not for the followers of God. Yes, recently I realized a few of you actually are unaware of the cultural traps that are actually baal worship. So let me mention a few. Porn, fear porn, witchcraft, murder, abortion, trans and the mutilation of children for that movement. Are all baal worship. That is not of God.

It is not loving to let anyone think God made a mistake about their lives. Nothing about anyone was or is a mistake! There are only 2 sexes and you are the correct one. God loves you and puts a wonderful destiny in your life if you don’t miss it by getting distracted by the cultural sicknesses.

No one should or can judge another’s sin or stand above God’s judgement. Discernment on how to love someone is an important part of being a Christian. If I discern you are putting your mortal soul in harm, I must warn you. You choose to listen or not. If I see harm to children and don’t say no, I am not caring for them. I am not loving them. I told my son someone was rooming my grandchild. It is his responsibility to discern who and to protect her. He was warned. To be a good father he would have to guard her. The wolf knows it is a wolf and is unrepentant. You put your child in harm’s way. If you send your child to a foreign country with a wolf and leave them in harm’s way and they come back confused. That one is on you, not the wolf. The wolf will most likely never be redeemed. But of course, that is only God’s to know. Abortion is baal worship. We look at the Mayans and we say “look at what they did. They left their children’s heads in this cave”. But the womb is a cave, a secret place where mankind is knit together. We leave our children vulnerable for the lack of knowledge. That is baal worship and the legislation of such is an abomination to our God. America is a covenant country and we allowed legislation to murder children in the womb. Each child is loved by its maker God!

Your feelings about abortion are not the issue. The lives of others in and out of the womb and their feelings are. The sacrifice of these children to appease your god is a religion. Only satan is interested in the death of mankind. Your pride and religious belief of demon doctrines, void others’ lives. You place your feelings above others’ lives and do harm to them thus placing a millstone on your neck. I am so glad for the forgiveness freely given by Jesus. I too have made many mistakes. I have repented and asked for forgiveness.

ARMOR UP for culture conversations.

Blog ideas for your discussions

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Our team has blogged about 16 subjects in depth each week for you to explore the subjects in your circle. Choose a few and ask each other a question. It is okay to pass. No one needs to agree. Just share. No one is an expert, even if they think they are. Choose an extra one in case you have extra time to explore one more idea. We are not recommending any medical or professional help just food for thought to discuss. Secure professional help for any decision.

Your Sovereignty in Christ

January 2024 Blog Post

Have you ever wondered if there is a plan?

Yes, there is a grand plan for you. No, that is not about religion, or being controlled or even a slave. One that is not about being lied to, or hated or hurt. It is about loving you personally. It is about finding your God. It is about finding the Creator of you. It is about releasing your dreams and ego to fulfill the destiny that you agreed to before you were born.

Seriously you were a soul, a spiritual soul. a Citizen of Heaven. Sent here to find the identity that you were created for. Find a relationship in the spirit that is about you and your Creator. But you could not get there on your own. No one could! Because the rift between heaven and earth was too big. The enemy of our souls put it there by talking Adam into committing treason. Therefore, cursing all who came after. But your Creator came up with a plan to help you see Him again. This planet has rules of nature and the universe. It demands a sacrifice to heal the sin. A spotless lamb. But by our birth, mankind came in with the stain of Adam. Only, the Christ, was a suitable sacrifice. So, the Creator sent His son the spotless lamb to be sacrificed and heal the rift. The Christ, the savior, the redeemer, the second Adam.

The enemy of your soul only lies to you. He never lets up. Deception and lie after lie. He hates you but he says he loves you and convinces you to self-sabotage away your destiny and hope or true love from the Christ. Yes, the demons want to convince you there is a wonderful hell. A lie. Or ... maybe you are an accident or a mistake, false. You are wonderful and perfectly made. But if he can convince you that this is a horrible place and you need to change, he can steal your identity as a child of the only God, He can keep your gifts from being used. If you really were to use your gifts it would eliminate the true hate the demons and their demon doctrines and agendas create.  You are fierce. Think how God could use you for good things. Free you from your chains to the demons.

I know you love Jesus and so it is concerning the path you are on. I see you have veered off course. I must speak to it. We all have. Ignorance is no longer enough. We are awake and can see something is wrong. You cannot say what the Lord says is an abomination to Himself for His children, are good. Only God's precepts and commands are good. What is good? Loving all of God’s creations as God created them a man and a woman, all souls a “kind” not a skin. The rainbow is the blessing to humanity; He will never flood the world as a whole in judgement. The identity of a soul to have a God given destiny that He planned before time for them.

We must say the words of God to know how we must live. It is not a religion or a cult. It is a personal relationship with Jesus. Many in all religions have never truly met Jesus. It is time to meet Him. It is a worldwide revival and so now is the time.

As the enemy of our souls attempts to remove all souls from God’s and man’s earth so he can have it for himself with robots and demonic people we must not help him steal more souls and open doors to the demonic by condoning what is not of God. So, what if you are a horrible person. God wants you back. Say I am sorry and mean it. Say God take me back. Show me this Jesus and help me be the me you wanted me to be. I am lost. God will forgive you and take you back. Your identity in Christ is enough. You can do it. That identity is to be a reflection of good not evil. It is time to take the millstone off your neck. It is time to return to your first love Jesus and steer all of His children into their goodness and their destiny. Be a good example of His life here in this fleeting time of a body clothed soul. It is not in your power but in His power. We are powerless. We must have God's help to become more like Him. More compassionate. Less confused. More understanding and less gullible. Sometimes that means leaving your friends for a while till you heal and then if you wish, reaching out to show them the way to a true life.

The new era is here in fullness. Judgement is here and the sheep and the goats are being sifted in the shaking. It is time to stand like never before. Your soul is being weighed. We are in a time of freedom that our ancestors have prayed for. A time that all peoples will know of Jesus Christ and will get the opportunity to decide where they will spend eternity. God is a gentleman and he gave us all freewill. Hell was not made for man but through their choices they can end up there, in a torture for eternity.

I pray that God will soften your heart and heal your soul and set you back on course. I also pray for all souls that have been taken in by these demon doctrines and agendas, will be saved to see the glory days that are on the horizon and will be free to serve the Lord. Live in your destiny now.

Freedom and forgiveness are here now. Praise God and see and hear the glory is all around you.

Questions might be:

Do you know this Christ?

Am I savable?

Does God really love me?

Enjoy the discussion in your group. Don't be judgmental. Listen and take what God is showing you and leave the rest.

Feel free to email me at info@shekinahglorycircle.com add a subject line please. 

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