Prophetic Word from June 2024

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Prophetic Words Fulfilled

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Fulfilled from the prophetic word in the first 55 pages of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard.


Amos 3:7
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.


While I am not claiming to be a prophet, I do know God talks to me. God does nothing without telling his prophets. I know he says a great deal! He is always speaking.


I no longer have any fear if someone does not agree with me because I know it is not me it is God. This book was not my thoughts it is much higher than anything I would think on. I did not desire to write this book it was given to me. I feel blessed in these times to know we are not in a new normal nor the tribulations. I feel blessed to call in God’s will.


Our mouths are double-edged swords with the word of God on them. The sons and daughters of the Lord are to speak His words and revelation and it will come true. If you are calling in the words of the enemy you are not in the correct season. The enemy can read the bible has been in heaven and knows the desires of God. Right now, he is trying to advance the time of God’s plan and that will only happen if the Children of God decide to pretend with the enemy to bring it on. I will not humor that concept.


Hosea 4:6

my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.


The knowledge of His children is critical to see the season He is in. The leadership must foresee the plans and not rely on talking heads with folly for our time. Is Christ coming back soon yes and amen. But God has said to me “It is not the time of the tribulation. I am starting a new thing and it will be glorious. It will not be a pain. You will thrive not strive. My revelations and prophecies in the bible have not been fulfilled. I am rapturing evil off the planet and it will be a time of glory before the tribulation comes. Enough is enough and I am restoring to My children all they have lost. The measure of their blessings will be in the measure of their faith. I am taking all the mountains of influence to dust and My true children the ones that stayed strong in Me will be the ruling and reigning leaders of the next era. The new era is one that your ancestors prayed for. I do not stop a thing I have barely started.


It will be like exodus; you are being freed from slavery you don’t even realize. You will build new a set of mountains of influence that is of Me. The old ones were to enslave you, to harm you. The new ones will be to prosper you. I am transferring the wealth of the wicked to My children. It was stolen and soon will be returned. I am doing a greater thing. The greater exodus. And the greatest revival ever. Even greater than the upper room.” 


So, we are seeing the judgment of the Lord is upon us. Praise the Lord. 

God has sent His death angel out and we will be seeing much death now.


Let us look at both the bible verses for some of the prophecies and also the prophecies that have come true in this next section.


Prophecies Fulfilled as of April 21, 2024


Page 12 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…


The love and joy were immense with a fullness of God and an unrealized freedom. The human condition was in tune with the principles of the kingdom on earth; from shore-to-shore globally released from the sins and iniquities of the past, to true freedom, to love our Lord, a new future. Words like joy, celebration, peace and hope are heard as the Holy Spirit moves through the world on a gentle wind of revival. This will bring a new vision to all.



Currently we have a very new vision of the reality we were living unbeknownst to us. I for many years prayed … God show us what the enemy is doing. Lord, show us how to break his grip. Lord, change what he wanted for evil to good.



We are seeing it from shore-to-shore globally released from the sins and iniquities. The revival is worldwide. We are seeing more and more saved in all regions of the world.

Even the enemy is saying we need the true principles and morals. They don’t even know what they are asking for but they are saying it. People are demanding justice. God is the only justice that can help the lands of the world. And he is doing it.



The love and joy were immense with a fullness of God and an unrealized freedom. We feel free now to say, no, I am not going to vaccinate my child to cause them autism and other illness not known to be created by the vaccine before but clearly known now! No, I am not going to the doctor. No, I am not wearing a mask. No, I am not going to blame God for what the enemy did. No, I am not going to miss Easter at church because of your governmental fear porn. Standing up to the evil and saying I believe the Lord is my all and all. The joy we are living in, knowing God is enough and He is in charge of our rights. Yes, it is immense. Much more to come…


Page 12 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…


I see in the vision: justice is served; the voting machines are destroyed, crushed underwater. Yes, hangings have happened. Rulers have been removed and much more is to come.



We are seeing the voter integrity is starting to win. In the election in Wellington, we saw more scrutiny than ever. We see the judges in Arizona are coming around to see the election for Governor was stolen. We are seeing all around the world leaders are stepping down and corporations have lost many of their CEOs and CFOs. Many major corporations are going bankrupt than before and not the restructuring kind.


Page 13 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…


He says, “Slaves no more. Slaves no more.” The Lord is releasing us all from bondage. From a freedom that was fake through and through. From a freedom that was declared yet not ever realized. A freedom from a spiritual realm dictator. A worldwide terrorist was inhabiting a few bad men and women at their desire for power and money.


We are seeing the demonic behavior of our officials. The Lord is releasing us all from bondageWe are seeing the debt slavery that was over us. Now we see movement to release it. Some have died and some are being arrested. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. God is sweeping out the sanctuaries, governments and other leaders. Many evil leaders think they can run and be safe. No that is not going to happen. As we see in the indictments of Trump it is setting the stage for major indictment of the Biden Crime Family when Trump returns. God has freed Pastor Artur Pawlowski. He was to receive 20 years in jail yet God gave Julie Green a prophecy that he would be released and 2 years later he was released. Praise God.


Page 13 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…


“But for God!” He said, “The giants are falling, the mountains are moving, the mountains are crumbling, the chains are breaking, enough is enough and God’s love is flowing.” I know the pain, yet I see the end of tyranny. He says, “Call it in.” I agree with the will of God that the enemy from within is bound and subdued. The enemy is destroyed and heaven is invading earth. The Lord’s kingdom is being built.



You cannot fight what you don’t see. Its tyranny and treason are blatant now. So, blatant that asking a congregation to call in the future is becoming normal now. We see pastors saying call in what is not as if it is. Call it healed. Call it freed. Call it done. Speak life over the nation and yourself. We see the fear of the pastors lessening. We see pastors like the Wellington Filling Station. Say, “We will stand with the Lord even with the town leadership attacking us.” The giants are falling like the FDA is not respected. The giant corporations are failing left and right like Psalm 91 says. “A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand;” The giant cities are devastated, praise God for vision. The illegals are telling the giant cities -- we don’t want shelter, we want a hotel room, a nice one and free food. 

Page 13 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…

Jesus is our inheritance and we are His. He gave us great authority and we are sleeping on the job. God is awakening us to our duties as watchers and doers. God is giving us greater authority in this time of His glory. Glorious days of freedom. He has removed the barriers, taken down the giants, made rubble of the mountains and now His remnant is to build creatively His new mountains of influence.

God has renamed the mountains of influence to include Him and His will for His children.


“Those ugly old corrupt mountains are not Mine. They have nothing of Me in them.” Is what I heard. “They will be dust and My true church must build new ones with Me in mine.” So of course He is renaming them. Recently, I wrote Jonny Enslow. Tried to show him in his own discussion God has shown him His plan is changing. Jonny Enslow is even saying the new names and it seems he is clueless. I pointed out that the new names are even in his more recent description of them. He was speaking about government and was saying we need to take responsibility. He repeated responsibility so many times I thought well God has given him the new names. If his hubris does not hold him back from hearing. New names for the mountains of influence are Abundance, Faith, Relationships, Communication, Responsibility, Arts and Understanding.

If you say God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is so true. But if you say that means He is not doing a new thing. Well, what is the tribulations if it is not a new thing? It is. Jesus said we will be doing what He did and more once He sends the engagement ring the Holy Spirit. We too will be able to raise even the dead for a time period. We too will be able to heal the vaccine damaged. We will only through His will and His resurrection power for His glory.

It was not His will that some took the mRNA that is designed to remove the very soul and further enslave us. Praise God it will be reversed.

Pages 13 to 14 of “Seven Silver Coins” Mary Leonard, Prophecy…


He spoke to me about the two-tiered justice system we have been subjected to for centuries. He said, “I am turning them on their heads, upside down, inside out, and DONE!” Praise the Lord!

In 2019 God replied to my question, “God, will there ever be justice?” God said, “YES! It will be like hail! Sudden, complete, swift and pinpointed. Its memory will melt away like Sodom and Gomorrah, gone. The Justice Angel has been sent. It will be two-tiered like the Red Sea Exodus. My children are saved, America is saved, Israel is saved and their enemies are gone. Choose your side, the verdict is being counted and it is over.” Praise the Lord.

Well, if we can’t see this now, we are truly blind.

I think that is probably enough for today. If you need more, be sure to ask. I could do this all week and find the exact scriptures that prove it too. Like the ones He mentioned above. Praise the Lord and Glory to God always.


Mary Leonard

Feel free to converse about this with me. And of course, it does not need to be said, to converse with God.


The Howling Wind 2022
This painting was created in Estes Park at a revival with more that 400 women.

God is coming in like a Howling Wind!
Praise the Lord
America is being saved!!!

It has been a wonderful treat to see so many starting to see the move of God. All the GLORY goes to God.

It is coming up on the anniversary of the download that became "Seven Silver Coins". That is the blueprint for the new era. No circling back. The awesome days of God's Glory are here.

This week I have been reflecting on the songs that influence us. When my husband and I wrote this book from God's download, I see “Build a Boat” is a song that gave us joy just after the adventure was over.

Colton Dixon "Build a Boat"

This song spoke to me so deeply.

It was very hard to muster up the courage to write the book and to publish it. I needed all my husband strength and help to do it. It felt like building an ark. Then I heard that song. We were building a boat in the desert and we needed God's wind in our sails to do it.

I knew He always resources His desires but it was shocking how it came together so awesome. From download to shelf in 7 weeks. "so let it rain" 

I asked God is this a book and it kept coming. I ask God how can I publish it? And the publisher called me. I ask how can I talk my husband into spending the money? And he had no issues with it. I asked How do I send it into the world and He gave me peace. He said, "it will have wings and fly off the shelves when the fire arrives." So, I am patient knowing it is His book and He is in change.

I have fairly severe dyslexia, like Moses stuttered. So does my writing stutter. I depend on my husband to edit my work. Sometimes, I have comments to my email on how to edit. I do love that help.

This song made me feel like an overcomer.

Questions you might use

Has God given you a task that He resourced?

Has Jesus walked out a task with you?

What song seemed as if it was written for you by the Holy Spirit?


Walk through the Portal!

Freedom in now 

It is time to walk through to the promises of the Lord. It is time to see the depths of the evil right around you. Can you see the entrance? Ask your angels for help. Be awakened!

What do you have? Who are you? Whose are you? Look around where are you living? Are you living in joy or worry.

Choose joy. There is a small opening in front of everyone. Some the opening has widen to be 6 feet on each side of them. The choice is yours.


Mary's Comments

How do you open the portal? Ask God to show it to you. Ask him to open it more. Some people are calling it red pilling yourself. I found it when I was on the other side telling my husband he had to walk through it.

I was giving a civic group a talk about the cool stuff that was coming. How fun it was to watch what God is doing; then the pastor of the church they were renting for the talk cut me off when I started to talk about the access to the joy on the other-side of the portal. Ok maybe I don’t know the correct Christian term for it. I was calling it a port-hole when my husband said it is a portal. It sure looks like a round hole! It was like I could reach out and touch everyone’s hole in front of them and see the size of it.

I walked through it to freedom, right after I admitted how deep the hell on earth had become. Let go of the fear of acknowledging it. I started to see that this was not new. This is from the time of the Adam and Eve fall. 

Fear is dead! Due to Jesus Christ resurrection.

We are once again in a greater time, a greater revival, a greater exodus. We are walking in to a new era and it is a time of Joel. Where we can expect more gifts of the Spirit to be open for us. This is very controversial and deep subject. Be gentle with each other. Stay in God's love. Ask for deeper revelation. It is not political! It is the changing of the guards for us in this time.

Questions might be:

What is she talking about?

Have you moved out of fear into joy and freedom. seeing God's favor everywhere?

New prophetic word for March 5, 2023

Can you see it?

There is so much to see if you have eyes to see.

God keeps saying, "Can you see it?"

My answer is yes!!! Praise God I can.

Can you see it... the changes, the revival, the freedom, the truth.

What are you seeing?

Blog February 24, 2023 New Prophetic

Blog February 24, 2023 New Prophetic

This is the year of freedom and favor.

We are getting ready to end what you know now and God will in 24 hours replace it with celebration.

But it is very dark in the storm right now. So, I thought looking back a few years to 2022 and see the “Brace for Impact” message would be warranted.

Questions you might entertain discussion on:

  1. Do you have a word from God for now?
  2. Is there a prophetic or prophet you watch?
  3. Do you think God is moving in this storm? 

Mary Leonard's Prophetic word for June 2021

Dear Child,

I love you. Have no worry or anxiety I am turning ALL to good. I told you 8 years ago I am destroying the Pharmaceuticals. I am asking you to come to Me first. I am replacing them with Light. Healing in Jesus is my heart and will. This revival has started be of good cheer, hope and joy.

I need you to understand the depths of my love for you. I am enlisting you into my healing army. This revival is not the rapture, it is the start of a multiple decade of joy and freedom. I am prospering the world. But I need people right now to hold the hand of the shocked. Are you awake? Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear? Are you aware of the depths of sweeping I have been doing? Many are not.

The evil one has been lying to you for so long it will hurt to see the depth of the icebergs when they flip. The 7 waves of pain and shock will hurt on impact. But relief is just behind and then pleasure. It is My hope you who are awake and can see the incoming waves to help others come through this with the knowing it is good. Hold their hands and see ME.

The evil one has been destroying the 7 mountains for centuries. I the Lord have had enough. You have repented and My ears have heard your cries. The bowls have tipped. It has been 5 years of cleaning up the mess. Many have not seen. Many are asleep and don’t know my love. Share boldly! Now is the time to look through My eyes and see the healing of Earth, I am doing.

There will be 7 waves of understanding to hit the world like a tsunami. Many are anxious now not due to the bioweapon used against you, but because you are anticipating MY HAND. If you know My love you will see and heal quickly with peace and joy. But many will need your help to see.

Like the Red Sea Revival, Pentecost and the 1970’s ALL moves of God! This move of God is for your benefit. It is the GREATEST REVIVAL EVER. I have been moving in all areas. But you’re not getting the testimonies. You are not putting the pieces you see together. Awaken my children. Awaken now!!!! Incoming is here!

The Marxist have been plotting to remove ME from you. Only you can do that. Hold on to your faith and spread it widely.

Look and see. Freedom is here to heal Family, Religion, Government, Business, Education, Arts and Entertainment, and Media. Take this opportunity to hear and see for yourself. Then share.

It is about the children. Heal MY children. I have been releasing millions of children from trafficking this year. Abortion is coming up to change. You are fully human at conception. The eyes are open to end this murder of my children. I have been opening the hearts of children to their fathers and mothers. Turning the hearts of the children to their parents. The bioweapon of the vaccine is sterilizing your youth. Pray and I will reverse this evil plot. Reach out.

I have been removing, restoring and building your churches. The shock wave of religion can be seen as pruning to the gospel, praise and worship. All the rest is being shaken. People in leadership will and have died. Evil has and will be removed from my sanctuary. The perceived worthless who have held Me close will be utilized now. Awaken your soul. Reach out to your brothers and sisters to help them find Me.

Governments all over the world will be removed and replaced. The stealing of my authority in placing leaders is no longer tolerated. I am the Lord your God who sets your leaders in place. The dominion machines will be crushed and replace with truth. Just as the chariots of Pharaoh were submerged in the Red Sea. In that revival I moved. The formula your leaders are using would not work. When they arrive at the Sea and cried out for help, I did not say did you repent enough. When they reached the other side, they did not immediately change. I did miracles for them. There was a great move of God for His people! You will see many changes in money and the way you think of money soon. No worry it is being removed from the idol and tool it was used for. It is being restored to use for My glory.

Now, I am moving for all people. There is nowhere that will be missed, no one left behind no one but ME, GOD, will be able to take credit for it. The harvest for the kingdom will be great. I need you to enlist into My army.

Business and Education have been corrupted to the point that major upheaval will come. The tip of the iceberg has been shown but the icebergs are all going to be upturned and you will see the slime of the underbelly. It will be shocking. Prepare for impact. The indoctrination to the cult of the enemy will come forth. The devotion of the enemy will be seen. Right under your feet and in front of your eyes it was all going on. Open your eyes and ears to see the glory of the Lord in this time. Be of strong heart and know my love. Peace in the Lord will come upon you. You may throw up at the realization that the evil is so deep and took hold in front of the watcher. I have allowed you to have this time of seeing so it need not happen again.

Arts and Entertainment will lose most of their stars. The new and strong will be wonderful. You will see Me in the tails of the future. Media will be completely replaced. The schemes of the media have kept you deaf and blind. The corruption has stolen my authority. It has attempted to replace Me with an elite of evil. To remove any hint of God in your schools, family and all aspects of life. Their time has come and you will see justice in your time. They tried to steal your inheritance. I will not allow that. You will once again see Me in all your life. Your inheritance will be restored, Jesus is your inheritance, the land is your inheritance and freedom is your inheritance.

The world will prosper. The icebergs are melting. It will happen all at once. Suddenly!

It is time to see the glory of God. Look for it. Give your testimonies.

As in the earlier revivals, I will turn the hearts to Me. I will heal and release the prisoners. Freedom and justice will be worldwide. Keep My light in you! Be blessed beyond measure.

I love you so very much.

Papa Father God

New Prophetic Words

The older Prophetic Words are below in chronological order

This section is for you to practice your ability to hear, know, see and feel the Lord of Peace speaking.

We like to encourage your desire to hear the Lord.

These are things we are hearing for you to explore if what you are hearing or to challenge you to rethink how or if you are hearing God too.



Everything is changing. It is changing now. Suddenly it is all different. ALL Different!!!! 

God has been talking to me for a while about the awesome future we are moving into. Yes, to a freedom we never tasted before, nor did our ancestors. They prayed as we did, that it would come. It is no accident you are here now.

This is a excerpt for "Seven Silver Coins" by Mary Leonard, Published 2022

Group question might be: 

  1. Do you have the faith to believe God can change every thing in an instant?
  2. Do you have limits on how God can behave?
  3. Even if you can't see change could it still be happening? Are you seeing change now?
  4. Do we actually live in the freedom God hoped for?
  5. If we were truly free what would that look like?

This is for sharing, explore each others perspectives. You will have a chance to speak or pass. You are not experts no need to have a final answer. 

Mary Leonard's famous quote is: The question is more important than the answer.

Chose one and share.


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