I want to know Jesus. Who is Jesus?



Who is This Jesus?

By Mary Leonard

People say do you know Jesus? Have you been saved? Have you received the free gift or eternal life and grace? Do you want free? Have you welcomed love into your heart? Do you want to surrender and give shame and guilt and self-abuse away?

Theses questions are all the same question. Different ways of welcoming you into the family. A way of showing God’s love and light to you. Way of welcome you into the family of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Joining with a brother and sisterhood of orphan, now family. Jesus made simple is what this article is about.

Jesus is so in love with you! He is chasing you in the Spiritual Realm. If you let him catch you, you will find peace and forgiveness that you long for. You are no different than the rest of us. It is written on our souls from when you were created. That is why you know in your heart, it should not be this hard.

Once you meet him you will know it. Many say I am a believer that means I know Jesus. I welcomed Him into my heart and my life. I surrendered my ways of trying and falling short for His ways of gentle success. I laid all my baggage at his feet and all my pain, sorrow, fear and worry at His feet. I now longer refer to it. I say I am healed because of Jesus. I welcome Him to my life to teach me and love me. I am no longer an orphan. I have a new identity as the son of God, the brother of Jesus and to vessel of God’s Spirit and the family of believers are my kin.

When you have a personal experience with the Trinity, (God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit) write it down. Find someone (a believer) to talk to it about. I have 100 of thousands of experiences with them. So, I will explain that just as you are one person, you have the mind, the spirit and the body, they work together to make you. This is the simple correlation. The Trinity, (God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit) are all one God but different persons. Jesus became man the body. Holy Spirit is within you and guiding you. Some call that your conscience. I do not. Holy Spirt is a part of God that was send to you after you welcome Jesus into your life a savior to help you understand, to teach you, comfort you and show you Jesus’s perfect peace.

Have you ever seen a picture of Vice President of the United States, Pence? Have you ever seen his eyes? Those eyes have compassion, love and peace even in the toughest of times. Those are called “Jesus Eyes”. You can tell a Sister of Brother in Jesus Christ by their eyes. By their ability to know, or see, or feel or hear God. God, the Creator is always wanted an awesome relationship with His creations. But Adam His first creation messed it up. Jesus came to fix that mess. On Easter we celebrate, the repair in the relationship with God. 

Of course, Christians have fancy names for all these things. We call it Christianese (or Christianeze), a way of explain a concept in one quick word. Like, the golden chain of salvation, or a bible reference like Romans 8:8, or Romans 8 The Passion Translation (TPT). This is for later when you join a group or a mentor comes along or even a church helps you understand more deeply the true depths of God’s love for you. Don’t get caught up in the complexity. God simply loves you. Welcome Jesus to your heart and give Him your baggage. Find a person with Jesus eyes to help you. Be Blessed!


Who We Are You?

You are in Christ, You are the daughter or son of the most high God. You are saved already.

You are a sovereign citizen of heaven on earth.

As you read the bible you find verses like I have the mind of Christ.
We rule and reign in high places with Jesus because of our inheritance. 

Some questions might be:

How you incorporate those scriptures into your prayer life? 

Have you ever contemplated the magnitude of those thoughts?

What is a sovereign citizen of heaven?

For more information on this subject read the advance section soon.



Bible Verse for Life

Each person has a different verse to live  your life by.

My Mother's was God works all the evil wanted for bad to good for me and my family.

My Father's was in God we trust for all.

Mine is 1 Thessalonians 5 NIV  - 6 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil.

Maybe yours is John 14:23 (NIV) - Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

For very new Christians try to use:

Matthew 28:16-20 New International Version The Great Commission - 16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This week Talk about how you read the bible.

Discuss how the bible verse that speaks to you personally feels.

Ask those who want to share if you know anyone with a life verse?

Choose a life verse to discuss for next week. Ask others for help in choosing one.


Revival Where to Start?

I first saw revival start on May 7th 1962

God is in charge of all revivals. Man can only stop a revival. They cannot start one.

It is the heart looking for God that ignites the move of God. So, if you want a revival ask for one. Expect it in yourself first.

We all are waiting for the move of God we feel is happening now to hit us and our area. God has told me it is coming and is here. I have seen in my life many signs of revival. Once God said, “You need a tragedy to be fixed, to see the move.” I reflected on that and realized that in the human condition, we often forget about our deep and constant need for God when things are fine.

I attend a monthly call for revival in our area. The leader has been calling for a miracle for decades. He died after shoveling his snow and his wife found him called the ambulance and did CPR. 

We were alerted to pray and God blessed us with our friend and leader to return for a while. Many of us have seen people brought back to life.

In your group ask a question.

Some possibilities:

Have you called out for revival to come to your life?

Have you asked God to bless a person to live longer? What happen?

Are you ready to be the tragedy to show the hand of God? Are you already the move and have not recognized it yet?

Be blessed.

How do I pray 101 testimony

True story of Brad Tuttle of Colorado

Brad Tuttle  how to praise and become you own revival


We pray, to learn how to pray. Reading books on prayer (there are hundreds) are educational and beneficial. But, how many of us have done everything we have read? 

When Jesus saved me in 1985, the Holy Spirit told me to take my Bible and go every morning to the church my wife and two girls attended and He would teach me to pray. And I found out, as reflected in Romans 8:26, He is the best teacher we could have.

When I went to their church with her Bible, I heard the Holy Spirit to tell me to open up the Bible and it opened to Psalms. He then told me to walk around the sanctuary, praying the Scriptures out loud over the people and situations He would show me or tell me—which He faithfully did every morning.

I never knew what Scripture to pray, or whom to pray for, but when I opened my mouth, He was always faithful to fill it (Psalm 81:10). He always had me pray the Scriptures, because His Word will never return empty, and will achieve the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11). What a promise to hold on to. 

Jesus tells us in John 15:7, that “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” So, let us get in His presence, pray, stand on His Word, and watch our prayers be answered. 

One of my favorite Scriptures the Holy Spirit used to teach me how to pray was Lamentation 2:19 (NIV) – “Arise, cry out in the night… pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord…”. Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary states “arise” means to “rise up, stand up, stir up”. Do we do this? Can we picture ourselves doing this, as our great God in heaven is instructing us to stand up and stir ourselves up to pray out to the One who hears and answers our prayers?

Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary reflects “cry out” to mean “to shout or cry out”. This might be offensives to some—but not to God— as He is instructing us to shout or cry out loud our pleas, our prayers, our intercessions. Strong’s also informs us “pour out” is to “spill forth, gush out, pour out” – like a fountain, pouring out a torrent of words to God our Maker.  

So, we learn to pray by praying – pouring out our heart like water in the presence of our Lord. It is fun, exciting, rewarding, refreshing, and pleasing to Jesus. 

Questions might be

How do you pray?
Have you seen a revival?
What did you learn from this testimony?

Blog February 24, 2023 Let Us Start at the Beginning

Blog February 24, 2023 Let Us Start at the Beginning

God is a very good-good God.

What comes out of your mouth creates. Speak life over your life. Wake up in the morning say … Hello God what should we do today? … God, I welcome your joy and peace today.

When a negative thought comes, override it with truth than I am the son or daughter of the “Most High God” and He loves me. He had a pro-vision of me. He is my provider; I will ask Him for Help and guidance.

Questions you might entertain discussion on:

  1. Do you greet good morning to God?
  2. Do you feel that your mouth creates? How do you guard your mouth?
  3. Is God your provider?

Note: God has our back!

This is a blog on a prophetic word for a person at Youth With A Mission, YWAM https://www.mariahsachin.com/prophetic-word-for-a-dog-lover


Here is Mary Speaking about int in an interview towards the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sSmE1hhqFM


Start at the Beginning

The Very Beginning!

 How do I receive Jesus In My Heart 


People say do you know Jesus? Have you been saved? My mother’s favorite, “Have you received the free gift of eternal life and grace?” Do you want to be free? Have you welcomed love into your heart? Do you want to surrender and give shame and guilt and self-abuse away?


These questions are all the same question. Different ways of welcoming you into the family. A way of showing God’s love and light to you. A way of welcoming you into the family of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Joining with a brother and sisterhood of orphans, now family. Jesus made simple.


Jesus is so in love with you! He is chasing you in the Spiritual Realm. If you let Him catch you, you will find peace and forgiveness that you long for. You are no different than the rest of us. It is written on our souls from when you were created. That is why you know in your heart; it should not be this hard.


Once you meet Him you will know it. Many say I am a believer that means I know Jesus. I welcomed Him into my heart and my life. I surrendered my ways of trying, to live life my way, on my own and falling short for His ways of gentle success. I laid all my baggage at His feet, my addiction, illnesses and all my pain, sorrow, fear and worry at His feet. I no longer refer to it. I say, “I am healed because of Jesus.” I welcome Him to my life to teach me and love me. I am no longer an orphan. I have a new identity as the son or daughter of God, the brother of Jesus and to become the vessel of God’s Spirit and the family of believers are my kin.


When you have a personal experience with the Trinity, (God, Jesus and/or Holy Spirit) write it down. Find someone (a believer) to talk to about it. I have hundreds of thousands of experiences with them (the Trinity). So, I will explain that just as you are one person, you have the mind, the spirit and the body, they worked together to make you. This is the simple correlation. The Trinity, (God, Jesus and or Holy Spirit) are all one God but different persons. Jesus became man, “the body”. Holy Spirit is within you and guiding you. Some call that your conscience. I do not!


The Holy Spirit is a part of God that was sent to you, after you welcome Jesus into your life, “the Savior” sent Holy Spirit to help you understand, to teach you, comfort you and show you Jesus’ perfect peace.


Have you ever seen some eyes? Those eyes have compassion, love and peace even in the toughest of times. Those eyes are called “Jesus Eyes.” You can tell a Sister or Brother in Jesus Christ by their eyes. By their ability to know, or see, or feel or hear God. God, the Creator, always wanted an awesome relationship with His creations. But Adam His first creation messed it up, was treasonous to the authority of God. Jesus came to fix that mess. On Easter we celebrate the restored relationship with God, because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.


Of course, Christians have fancy names for all these things. We call it Christianese (or Christianeze), a way of explaining a concept in one quick word. Like, the golden chain of salvation, or a bible reference like Romans 8:8, or Romans 8 The Passion Translation (TPT). This is for later when you join a group or a mentor comes along or even a church helps you understand more deeply the true depths of God’s love for you. 


Don’t get caught up in the complexity. God simply loves you. Welcome Jesus to your heart and give Him your baggage. Find a person with Jesus’ eyes to help you. Be Blessed!



Am I really a Christian?

Many people are in the habit of categorizing everything. God is not. Am I a Christian if I am not Catholic? I was Catholic am I now not Christian? I am a protestant am I saved? I was in a cult. Will God hold that against me?


Oh, the endless questions I have received from total strangers about the possibility of getting to heaven man’s way.


You want to know, am I in the book of life? Am I saved? Ask yourself.


  • Have I accepted that Jesus loves me and I love Him?
  • Have I with my will and my mouth invited Him into my life; to talk to and have Him talk to me?
  • Have I humbled myself and surrendered to the point I have asked Him for His forgiveness for the known and unknown sins of my past.


In the bible in Romans is the easiest of hundreds of places God welcomes you. When reading the bible, it is often hard to understand who, is the I. Is this passage talking about a different verse of scripture? This is the best place to answer your question. The italic will be my comments to help.


Romans 10:1-13 NIV


Brothers and sisters, my (Paul the writer) heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. 
2 For I (Paul the writer) can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. (a personal experience with the Creator is the key to understanding His love)

3 Since they (the Israelites and Gentiles … perhaps you) did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. (Obedience is important)

4 Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. (EVERYONE)

5 Moses writes this about the righteousness that is by the law: “The person who does these things will live by them.” (It is said that the letter of the law takes you to your knees to pray and seek God’s help. Then Christ Jesus comes and gives you His hand and picks you up to show you His love and sacrifice to take you into a new world of righteousness, undeserved but freely given. That way you are free from the slavery to sin. And become an adopted son or daughter of the Creator.)

6 But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) 
7 “or ‘Who will descend into the deep?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you; (Christ Jesus is the WORD) it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 
11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” 
12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


Mary’s Comments:

It does not say if you stand on your head and clap three times. It is done! The word of God did it all. Just receive!


God loves unity. We are united in the love of Jesus and in our praise and worship. All else are barriers to unity. Hope that helps answer that common question.


Excerpt from "Seven Silver Coins"

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