Words 2024

This is a great year that the whole of humanity has been waiting for 

Prophetic Dream on January 1st

Dream About a Certain Man

There was a man running to and fro on a field like a school track. He was the only one running. There were 2 other groups of people — one sad, quiet and zombie-like and the other was filled with anticipation and overflowing joy, but totally confused.

I was in the joy group laughing and observing the others. All of a sudden, the man that was running to and fro, and without purpose, caught my attention. He was sweating profusely and his sweatshirt was drenched. 

Having personally come through severe dehydration last year, I was concerned. I went to him and said, “Sir, you must slow down. You must hydrate.” The man refused. After prodding him to drink and slow down for a bit, he collapsed. The ambulance came and they worked on the man then took him to the hospital. He was released from the hospital after a few days of hydration therapy. They said, “He will be fine now.”

Analysis of the Dream

The certain man is the Body of Christ (the church). The church is running to and fro, wondering what they should do. They say, “We know God is on the move and we don’t know what we are to do.”  (I personally watched the churches stop the revival in the 60’s and 70’s.) 

God said, “Nothing will stop this harvest of souls. It will be worldwide. The glory will go to God not a man.”

The church has lost its living water and is extremely thirsty. Its flocks are parched and lack the wisdom they need for now.

We are part of the remnant. We are so excited about what is to come. We can feel it on the horizon. We are giddy in anticipation. But many were never taught and others have forgotten the need for the Full Armor of God and that we currently rule and reign with Jesus Christ. Our angel armies are waiting our orders and we don’t understand how we must command them. We are not focused on finishing our part of the war. The people waiting for God’s move are tired, frightened, confused and sad. Soon the flip will occur and we will be needed. We must be already armored up and fully in charge of our angel armies. We need to fully understand freedom and how to be the sovereign citizen of heaven that we already are. We will be needed in mass, to attend to the great number of people coming into the kingdom. 

God is wanting to drench us this week before the time of acceleration. The time of dehydration is over. We are through the Red Sea and on the other side. We MUST focus on the living water. We MUST put on the Full Armor of God. Notice how the Belt of Truth is first, so you can stand in position and hold the body armor together. The Truth is that God does still move. That the sacrifice of Jesus was enough. That as children of Christ Jesus we have a responsibility to speak His Truth and rebuke the lies of the dark father of lies, deceit and baal worship. Praise God that this is almost over. 

The Truth is that we are anointed and appointed, priests, kings, and God’s chosen. Not for later but for NOW. We must see that unity in the church body is necessary to finish the silent war that we have been in for many years now. As this war ends, we will see that the “Zombie people” will be lost, confused and hurt by the deception and the lies they were living in. The “Joy people” will be hurt that they were not taught how to use the authority they already had so they could have fought in the silent war.

We leaders of the church are needed to help the awake people to see the future so differently than we see it right now. Soon they will not refuse help. Like the man who won’t slow down until he collapses, they will see what they need and that the ambulance, “the Holy Spirit” is there to rescue. The Lord wants us to be ready. Now. The truth is we are the equippers of the brethren. We must armor up and drink God’s Word of the bible now. 

David knew that man’s armor was not what he needed. That the Armor of God was all he needed. He armored up with the relationship he had with the Lord. Even to the extent he picked exactly the right number of rocks necessary for that moment and each battle to come for the rest of his life. 

The church, right now, does not even know we are in a battle, so it cannot pick the right rocks needed. The revelation (rock) is in knowing that suiting up in the full armor of Jesus Christ is our only hope. Yes, we freely give the helmet but we stop there. Hoping that the rest will come to the new Christian. Yet the enemy of our souls comes to steal the revelation the moment it is given. The helmet will protect your Christ mind and give you salvation but it is only the beginning. The fact that Paul puts the helmet at the end of his list is not so we skip the rest. 

The breastplate of Christ is the holiness that protects our heart and lungs, and helps us stand in righteousness so we are protected from temptation — declaring and decreeing it away. The breastplate helps others see the need for unity in the Body of Christ and not in the dictates of man-made religions or demon doctrine. God’s sacrifice of His Son is the basis to heal the rift between us all until we make the most important choice of our life — are we good or evil.

As we shod our feet to the clear understanding of the love and gift of the gospel, undeserving but freely given. To know Jesus is to lead and help you at all times, day and night. To walk with you and talk with you as an intimate friend yet He is also the most-high God. This is the hour to do the good works prepared for you before time began and to spread the good news. It is time to make a choice to live or die and decide where you will spend eternity.

For us to take up the Shield of Faith is to stand in our belief that God is not limited and will fulfill His promises. For this, we must know what His promises are. How do we see the fruits and gifts in His will for us now, later or never? We engage our faith to pray the big prayers and know His will is possible. We must ask to receive. God is RE-creating in the recreation each day. As the Truth of the Faith extinguishes the flames and schemes of the enemy, we can no longer see the idols of this time as harmless. We must speak to them. We must send our angel armies to tear down the strongholds and replace them with the Holy Spirit anointing. But if we don’t have the understanding that we have the power through the resurrection and the inheritance of Christ, we are helpless. We must have that courage to teach our flocks, so they will no longer wonder either what is the purpose or what is their purpose.

Some religions restrain the reading of the Word of God, as if we need an interpreter. We were given an interpreter in the engagement ring of the Comforter. The Holy Spirit will spring in to action on your behalf for any request at the drop of a hat. The Holy Spirit will speak to you in countless ways if you are looking for it. The Sword of the Spirit is a double edge sword, ready to heal and kill, to loose and bind, to cut through evil and expose Truth. Yet we are not teaching our people to use these tools that God provided us.

As we drink to our fill, the abundance of the living God wraps around us and solidifies our awareness of his temple within us. We realize that we are not waiting on Him but He is waiting on us. We need to take the shackles off ourselves and do our good works for the kingdom. Jesus will not do what you can do for yourself.

Back to the dream, the man came out of the hospital hydrated in the Lord. We all need to take this short time before the flip to hydrate and prepare for a long time of no war. Heal our flocks and show the youth the glory of God so they can redeem their parents. Freedom is here. Drink the living water. Praise the Lord! As He takes the old evil mountains down to dust. We can Supernaturally build God’s way a new life for humanity now. We can create a unity in His church. Hydrated in the living water of Our Lord to spread the celebration of our God’s glory.

Words for 2024

Receive, Believe, Saturate, the youth will redeem their parents, Glory will fills the earth.

No RE for the dust mountains. The new supernaturally living all way

Re model     Supernaturally model

Re create      Supernaturally create

Re build      Supernaturally build



Closing Prayer

We decree that God’s will will be done now. We come into agreement that the mountains will be dust, the governments will be cleaned, that the church will be swept clean of all man-made dogma and doctrines to celebrate Gods revelations. That we will see a speedy end to all war and peace will reign. That the glory of God will saturate us and the lost will be found and welcomed in to the Kingdom. We will receive and steward all God has for us without limits. God bless America, Israel, the church and you. May all the glory go to God.

In Jesus Name 

Amen and amen

Mary Leonard





What a conversation we might have about the recent Supreme Court Decision.

Last Years is still reverberating in our lives.

We have come into a very interesting time where many things are being righted. I will do a long blog on this subject on my other website www.2mea.com.

This is great subject for each of you to think about and then gently, politely discuss. Conversation do not have to be agreed with. Each person is allowed to have an opinion that is vastly different. It is not our duty to convince each person to agree with us.

I am bold and I would go to the heart of each one and drill in. However, it is up to the host to direct the conversation and to the people to be as active as they would like to be. Remember to be respectful and polite.

God be with you all in the preparation of this week's topic and during the meeting.

Question might be:

Which of the 10 decisions would you like to express and opinion on?

Blog February 24, 2023 Finding Hope in Conversation

Blog February 24, 2023 Finding Hope in Conversation

Open a group of like 5 or 7 to start. If you need more friends, you may find one. Then when the time period ends invite new and different people to a group. You may find another from that grouping.

Like minded friends are important to the growth in walking with the Lord. It is recommended to have 8 trusted friends to be able to ask for something. Could be help, support, information but a wide variety of friends of like minds.

Questions you might entertain discussion on:

  1. Have you ever needed help or support and no one was there?
  2. What do you like to do with your friends?
  3. Can you have enough friends?

Note: Not all people are the same. That is the way it is supposed to be.

Here is a chapter from Seven Silver Coins on Communication


Communication will change. We as a “kind” humanity as one, Mankind, are improving our communication skills. Over time we will use the fullness of our brains even more. I know my father could communicate over 1500 miles to me. My son says with frustration, “I can hear you praying for me 3000 plus miles away.” In my wonderful husband’s life, he has been frustrated by my ability to know his thoughts just before he can start to speak it. I just think it is my thought. That is the easiest way to always have the first word! Ha Ha. But it could contribute to stressful communications.

My daughter-in-love called recently and asked why so many people get the same verbiage at the same time? My answer was because when God does a move, He lets His people know. They do not realize that it is God who is talking to them. The move He is making is so great He needs everyone awake and at the ready. He is simultaneously telling the Prophets, prophetic people like me, and many others that are not even aware that He is speaking.

If you do not hear or are not obedient with a word, He gives it to someone else who will be receptive. He has many prophets in the Old Testament. The prophets of this time do not all have exactly the same word; some are afraid of the prophetic word and are reluctant to speak; some are too fast; and some have not learned just say what needs to be said and then hold firm. 

We have many false prophets who are on earth for just a little while longer. God is going to either change their hearts or remove many of them. Many completely from the planet in 24 hours, on His time schedule. I am not calling for violence. God has a plan. He will do it. He is our just avenger.

Now that we will not be collecting data on everyone and using it to promote advertising, media will change drastically. Truth matters. News will be informative and you will make the commentary and draw your own conclusions. It will not be only focused on the negative. As we spend more time in our vocations and in the family and faith areas of life, media will fade in importance and become what it should be – just a way of communicating information truthfully.

Movies and magazines will change their focus to encourage and support an honorable and healthy lifestyle to help humanity. The giants are falling so the platforms will be totally different. The “little guy” will have a voice to be heard and a space to shine. Voices will be heard!

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